Sun, 9 April 2006
Vashti Bunyan is a British folk singer that has inspired a generation of cultish folkies. In 1970 she recorded a debut LP Just Another Diamond Day and then retired as a recording artist for 35 years. It wasn't until last year that she was persuaded to come back to recording music and she released her 2nd album, Lookaftering.
But before all that, in 1965 she recorded a tune called "Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind." It was that year that she met the manager of The Rolling Stones, Andrew Loog Oldham. He gave her that song to record as it had been penned by Mick and Keith. It was released on Decca under just the name Vashti and was the sound of swinging London town, and essentially gave no clue to the soft folk sound she would come to inhabit. I know the song has been put on several comps from then to now, but for the most part, its kind of hard to track down for purchase. So here it is. Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind by Vashti Bunyan. It's also featured in Episode 003 of this podcast. Enjoy.
Category:Shared Music
-- posted at: 10:44pm CDT