Fri, 23 June 2006
So it has been a while since my last post or podcast. Well my out of town job over the last few weeks left no time for internet or really anything but sleep. What may you ask is keeping me from the tunes? Film.
I work on films when I'm lucky enough and I was working grip on a National Geographic IMAX feature that began June 5th. But it's done now, so the tunes will wait no more. I'm still cobbling together a podcast that won't be done until the weekend, but first let me tell you about a killer new album from local musician Justin Roelofs. It's recorded under the name White Flight and is on Range Life Records. Listen to the most amazingly catchy song on the album, White Flight - The Condition. I played it in the last episode, but I still can't get it out of my head and it deserves more print. The album is a grand stroll through a funk and psychedelic Latin summer camp. Also, some of you might recognize Justin's old band, The Anniversary. They had one song that was an absolute gem and its a crime it never became more popular. Check it out. The Anniversary - Sweet Marie. Buy White Flight on Range Life Records here. Buy Anniversary releases on their old label, Vagrant. Enjoy the tunes and come back soon as updates should start daily again. Plus, this weekend, grab Episode 14 of the Yank Sizzler Podcast when it comes out.
Category:Shared Music
-- posted at: 9:58pm CDT